Our heartfelt thanks come from all our young patients, their families, and the Meyer Foundation. The donation of €750, made on 07-11-2024 via credit card, is already providing essential support for the hospital's primary needs. To Quadrifoglio S.P.A., Children are not...
Autore su Quadrifogliospa.com
Marialuisa Sanfilippo
Inbound Marketing Specialist
Inbound Marketer dal 2014, otre 10 anni dedicati allo studio di stretegie di marketing al servizio del business. Confeziono contenuti digitali capaci di attrarre utenti profilati.
In Quadrifoglio spa curo il sito web e la comunicazione online dell’azienda.
Il mio lavoro è imbastire narrazioni e tessere contenuti e risorse digitali che siano utili al nostro pubblico, che servano a migliorare la loro percezione dell’azienda e a rendere chiara la sua essenza.
Ho la fortuna di comunicare una realtà produttiva di eccellenza, l’attenzione ai dettagli, l’avanguardia tecnologica, la gratitudine verso le persone che lavorano in azienda, l’estrema preoccupazione nei confronti dell’ambiente.
Attraverso SEO e content marketing, disegno percorsi online chiari e usabili oltre che raggiungibili da chi cerca online i nostri prodotti o servizi.
Jewelry Trends Guide 2025/2026
The jewelry industry has been undergoing significant transformation since the end of the last century, partly due to the rising cost of raw materials. What trends will shape the jewelry market for the 2025-2026 period? How are product designs and market preferences...
The Consortium of Gold Producers of Arezzo
The Consortium of Gold Producers of Arezzo was established in 1981 and, by the end of the 20th century, had secured a significant position within the Arezzo goldsmith industry, eventually gaining international recognition. In this article, we will explore the origins...
The Awards Ceremony of #CreateYourLove, the jewelry and goldsmithing competition of Gold Italy 2017, the event managed by Italian Exhibition Group, now in its 5th edition, has successfully concluded. An evocative moment for the...
The Rise in Gold Prices: Causes and Consequences
Over the past decade, the economic value of gold has surged dramatically, showing a steady increase that has, at times, reached dizzying heights. What are the underlying reasons for this phenomenon? In this article, we’ll explore why the price of gold has skyrocketed...